Wednesday, April 02, 2008

International Edubloggers Directory

Thanks to this new blog directory I can see me now and perhaps others will too.

Just signed up for membership on the International Edubloggers Directory. The directory launched in January of 2008, will provide "an up to date directory of edubloggers from around the world", links to other edubloggers and to the topics they blog about. Members of this directory are posted on Twitter, Facebook, Mobile Versions, and Blog Widget. After I received a personal welcome as an Edublogger member in an email, I went back in to explore this sight and learned about Mofuse.

Mofuse creates mobile websites for bloggers and provides a fast and easy method to make blogs mobile compliant at no cost. The International Edubloggers Directory has a variety of tools and feeds to connect bloggers around the world. RSS feeds, a members calendar, and a chance to share the membership wiki and to connect with other education bloggers are appealing to me. I am pleased to be a member and look forward to reading the growing blog roll and seeing members information posted in real time.

1 comment:

PDonaghy said...

Hi Deborah
Thanks for the recent write ups about the Directory on your blog and for the comment on mine. I have also found lots of interesting edublogs from members joining - yours included :-)
I shall be returning!