Well, it has been awhile, at least 15 months, but who is counting? Recently, I popped in to look at Denise Felder on linkedin.com, followed it to her blog and personal web site, while there found her badge, indicating she is 'digitally distinct'.
I wondered, am I? Went there, turns out I am, got the the badge, and put in on my eFolio. I encourage individuals who are job hunting, developing businesses, and in contact with others who may want to do a search on them to visit executivecareerbrand.com to find out if they are 'distinct', and if they are what kind of 'distinct' they are.
So after a one year stint as an administrator, I am on a self-funded sabbatical to research, write, blog, network and seek new venues as a professional in education. I am using pseudo science to guide my sabbatical, see my horoscope from the Star Tribune below:
"Who you are on the inside will make a certain reality outside of who you come into to being. Be clear about what you are creating. Feel the energy of what you want your future to be and you'll begin to move toward it." ~Mathis, H. (January 19, 2012) Horoscope for Scorpios
Who I am is an individual with a keen interest in education, technology, areas where technology helps and hinders learning, and an accreditation geek. Also went to look at, the is this your name web site? It told me that I am, Harobed Rotcorp ( My name backwards) also Eborahday Octorpray( My name in pig latin). More importantly, the site let me know that my my personal power animal is an American Eagle Harpy. But ,I digress. So now you, go seek, and find out how digitally distinct you are. Check out is this your name ? Let me know what you find out and also let me know if you are on a self-funded sabbatical.
I wondered, am I? Went there, turns out I am, got the the badge, and put in on my eFolio. I encourage individuals who are job hunting, developing businesses, and in contact with others who may want to do a search on them to visit executivecareerbrand.com to find out if they are 'distinct', and if they are what kind of 'distinct' they are.
So after a one year stint as an administrator, I am on a self-funded sabbatical to research, write, blog, network and seek new venues as a professional in education. I am using pseudo science to guide my sabbatical, see my horoscope from the Star Tribune below:
"Who you are on the inside will make a certain reality outside of who you come into to being. Be clear about what you are creating. Feel the energy of what you want your future to be and you'll begin to move toward it." ~Mathis, H. (January 19, 2012) Horoscope for Scorpios
Who I am is an individual with a keen interest in education, technology, areas where technology helps and hinders learning, and an accreditation geek. Also went to look at, the is this your name web site? It told me that I am, Harobed Rotcorp ( My name backwards) also Eborahday Octorpray( My name in pig latin). More importantly, the site let me know that my my personal power animal is an American Eagle Harpy. But ,I digress. So now you, go seek, and find out how digitally distinct you are. Check out is this your name ? Let me know what you find out and also let me know if you are on a self-funded sabbatical.