You Tube has allowed me meet my goal of at least three posts a month, but am still not finding time to do much reflective writing. As a member of the "sandwich generation" the past two months have been filled with the pressures of work, family, Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Be an opener of Doors" and so far my project has acted as a door opener for me into new knowledge as I explore this social medium.
Quick posts using YouTube and sharing video clips allow me to stay connected with the work of this blog. The YouTube video Did you Know 2.0 and Shift Happens wiki spaces will provide me with rich food for thought as I wrap up the action research part of this blog over the next few months. The Shift Happens wiki spaces invites people to participate in the conversation centered on preparing children for the 21st Century. Great video, wiki, conversations, and a wealth of door opening blogs by Education Bloggers (both women and men) are waiting there.