Thursday, August 09, 2007

MERLOT (MIC07) Day 2 Keynote: Teaching Blue

The description of this keynote presentation by David Megill and his twin brother[ Ultimate Multimedia Object(UMLO)] did not do this witty, fun, and educational presentation justice. Through great story-telling, a recorder performance, and by engaging the audience's imagination, the Megill's illustrated some of the inherent difficulties [and rewards] in teaching music. This presentation, althought created in Keynote, followed all the rules outlined in Atkinson's, Beyond Bullet points : Using Microsoft PowerPoint to Create Presentations that Inform, Motivate and Inspire . The presenter's discussion of grading students, assessing student learning, talent and aptitude could be likened to the some of the discussion surrounding quality in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. By the way for those MIC07 attendees that heard the announcement about the MIC08 being held in Minnesota--Pirsig was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota

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